Are you getting married? Having family move in or your kids coming back home from college? Consolidating two households into one can be stressful and can leave you feeling off-balance. Cooper's Mini Warehouses is here to help. We offer storage solutions for just about anything imaginable. So whether you're looking to store furniture, household items, or even store your motorcycles, cars or boats — we have the space!



Make a list

Before they move in, work with your family member to make your new home a mix of “yours” and “theirs.” Take an inventory of all the items and furniture you have and decide what is best to keep in the home and what to keep in storage. Keep a detailed list so you can have a clear plan.

Pack Smart

Avoid confusion on moving day by clearly labeling all moving boxes. Doing this let’s you know what’s inside and if it needs to be stored or what room it needs to go to — and may help alleviate some of the stress of the big day.

Store it smartly

If there are items that you can’t use just yet, but that you can’t bear to part with, don’t feel you have to get rid of them. Store them in durable storage boxes and bring it to us. Cooper's Mini Warehouses have the right size storage units you need. Take advantage of our specials! 

Have a garage sale

Have a garage sale at your home or have it at our place! We have many customers that have it at our location. Sell those “extras” you found between your two households and generate a little extra cash to buy something special.



Mini Warehouses, RV and Boat Storage
